Acts Done


First Appearance at Kunstpunkt Berlin – Engler & Pieper Gallery – Berlin – The Thing, Frankfurt/Main – Bergstueb’l, Berlin – Spring Sparkle at the Invalid, Berlin – Juni-Radio-Show, bootlab Berlin – launch option at BüroFriedrich, Berlin – Twen FM, Berlin – King Kong Klub, Berlin – reboot radio, Berlin – Fete de la Musique, Berlin – Walden Gallery – Goethe Berlin – Sex Sails at Studio DDT, BerlinFoto-Shop, Berlin – Microradio Performance, K77, Berlin – zweiter Berliner Kunstsalon, Arena, Berlin – Tesla, Berlin – Octopussy, Berlinmorgenvogel station, Berlin – copa sonar at sonambiente 06, Berlin – 1:1 Radio-Studio-Show, Berlin – weser studios, Berlin – Foto-Shop, Berlin – WestGermany Gallery, Berlin – Oberstüb´l, Berlin – Pale Music Presents The RotTT at Eschschloraque Rümschrümp, Berlin – In Komppania with Maria-Leena Räihälä at Kunstpunkt, BerlinPale Music Presents The RotTT at Eschschloraque RümschrümpPhotoshop Movement III at ZMF, BerlinThe Birds, Too (aka The RotTTen Chickens) Special at the Morgenvogel-Station at the Berliner KunstsalonThe Shamansim Without Shame Suite at MOVING FOREST aka the castleFETTTE MUSIK at Galerie WaldenSchluss mit Redaktion im Vestibuel, BerlinRotTTen Lounging with some Directors at Directors Lounge, Berlin – ANOTHER ROTTTEN LATENITE SPECIAL at the DIRECTORS LOUNGE – artttoh jugement beim artaud tribunal : the rottt um mitternacht – The RotTT at WIR gallery, Berlin bring out your junk – The RotTT bei HELTER SKELTER SPENDENGELDER at Kulturpalast Wedding Internationalthe RotTT noise freitag at